Driving your organisation’s performance and your career to new heights

This website will offer you methodologies to fix the common problems with performance management that will have a profound impact on your organisation and your career.

I’ve delivered workshops and keynote addresses in 32 countries. I have delivered in-house workshops, on-site or by webinar, for a range of companies which include, The European Space Agency, Australian Post, Lloyds of London, Open University, and the Singapore Government (Peoples Association) and more.

Accessing David Parmenter’s intellectual property

David Parmenter’s Implementation Guides with E-Templates

These unique implementation guides are updated with my latest thinking before released to the reader. They are comprehensive (between 90-120 pages). Each guide comes with E-templates of most exhibits and some PowerPoint sale pitches to assist in swift implementation.  These toolkits are sent as a PDF to the purchaser.

David Parmenter’s ‘Expert’ Articles (Article + E-Templates)

For areas which are not covered by a Implementation Guide David Parmenter has written a shorter (20- 30 page ‘Expert” Article) to help you make progress.  They can be read and absorbed in an hour. All you need to do is purchase them via the PayPal link and I will email you the article and accompanying useful E-templates within 48 hours. To buy multiple ‘Expert’ Articles access the special deal.

E-Templates From David Parmenter’s Books (Publisher John Wiley & Sons,  New York)

You can also purchase E-templates ( Microsoft files) of most of the Book and PDF Toolkit exhibits and some additional PowerPoint sale pitches through this link. Once the PayPal notification has been received the electronic templates are emailed with 48 hours.

David Parmenter’s Performance Measures Database (commonly known as a KPI database)

The database, developed over the last twenty years, is periodically updated. It is sent in both Access and Excel versions.

 Look Inside David Parmenter’s Published Work

A breakthrough 4th Edition of his best-selling KPI Book can now be ordered from Amazon

Read these three articles and then the first two chapters of my best selling KPI book.  I can guarantee you will never look at and use KPIs in the same way again.

A breakthrough 3rd Edition of his best-selling book for Financial Controllers and CFOs

Here are three chapters that I guarantee will help transform your finance team. This book is the most transformative guidebook in corporate accounting.

David’s Management and Leadership book

This now has been updated and is now called “Hey millennial managers, you might not know this – management lessons from the past.” and is available as an implementation guide (120 pages whitepaper  + Etemplates of nearly all Exhibits, checklists, draft letters, and some draft PowerPoints).

David Parmenter’s Focus Areas

David has developed intellectual property in seven conceptual areas. Each concept area has its own sub-domain where you can access articles, advice and purchase toolkits, working guides and templates.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  /  Finance Team Best Practice   / Management & Leadership

Quarterly Rolling Forecasting & Planning  / Ascertaining the Organization’s Critical Success Factors

Rapid Annual Planning  /  Time Management Innovation

Common Problems with Performance Management

Performance management has been much misunderstood, misused, and abused, thereby preventing too many organisations from reaching their potential Read more.
Is your organisation succeeding in spite of the annual planning process rather than because of it? Read more
Is performance related pay encouraging dysfunctional behaviour? Read more
Are teams and divisions working hard on their own agendas which are contrary to the strategic direction? Read more
Does your organisation have a history or late and/ or failed projects? Read more
Are KPIs leading to dysfunctional behaviour? Read more
Is your finance team more backroom rather than leading change in the organisation? Read more

Articles & Papers

Book Owner’s PDF Toolkits

To limit the size of the David Parmenter’s book over 100 pages of templates have been provided via a PDF toolkit to help the reader implement change.

All my books have a heavy focus on implementation. The purpose is to prepare the route forward. To second guess the barriers the implementation team will need to cross and set out the major tasks they will need to undertake.

The PDF toolkit is to be read and used in conjunction with your book. You can also purchase E-templates ( Microsoft files) of most of the Book and PDF Toolkit’s exhibits and some additional PowerPoint sale pitches through this link.

One screen (A3 page) Board Dashboard Exhibit

In most organisations with boards, there is a major conflict of interest over what information is appropriate for the board to receive. Because the board’s role is one of governance and not of management, it is inappropriate to provide the board with KPIs.

We need indicators of overall performance that need only be reviewed monthly or bimonthly. These measures need to tell the story about whether the organisation is being steered in the right direction at the right speed, whether the customers and staff are happy, and whether we are acting environmentally friendly.

These measures are called key result indicators (KRIs). Typically, a board would need to see between 9 and 12 graphs covering the critical success factors and outcome statements. These measures work particularly well in helping the board focus on strategic rather than management issues, and they will support management in their thrust to move board meetings away from the monthly cycle. These KRIs are best reported in a dashboard. A dashboard should be a one-screen display or A3 (US fanfold) colour page with the graphs, summary financials, and commentary in two headings (‘Areas of Concern’ and ‘Areas to Note’).

One Screen Monthly Finance Report to The CEO Exhibit

All CEOs like a great summary that shows the whole picture. In my research, I came across this one A3 page (U.S. standard fanfold) that I believe is an excellent example of clever reporting. The finance team has summarized the areas to note, the month’s financial performance, the important business unit’s performance, and a very summarized P& L and balance sheet . It can be delivered as a full screen report or an A3 page in full colour.

You can provide a second screen or use the back of the A3 page for analysing the business units.  For a retail operation I suggested they put their 200 retail shops in three league tables, the large, medium and small shops based on sales per square foot or employee, shading the top and bottom quartiles of each table. Whatever you include ensure you do not go below a 10 – point font size.

If designed right this will become the main monthly finance report.

Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs (4th Edition)

The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit: Lean Practices to Transform Your Finance Team (Third Edition)

Key Performance Indicators for Government and Non-Profit Agencies

The Leading-edge Managers Guide to Success – Strategies and Better Practices

Course Attendees Testimonials

Thank you for delivering three excellent session at the Financial Controller’s Conference – and for helping to maintain the energy levels of the audience over the course of the day. From the feedback I have had so far, the audience really enjoyed your slots.
Simon Alsop, Head of Business, ICAEW, ICAEW
We asked David Parmenter to deliver a key note address on KPIs at our KPI conference held in Estonia. The conference was a great success and attendees were very happy with his remarkable professionalism. I have hosted hundreds of speakers and I have very seldom seen such an attention to detail. Delegates received very useful templates to move them forward.
Toomas Tamsar, Employers Association, Estonia
After attending your workshop you will be pleased to know that I (with the assistance of my team) have managed to complete June end of month for all 6 entities and handed them to my CFO (so he can prepare what he needs to do) by day 3 and a half. So I just wanted to say a big thanks! The impossible now seems possible.”

“Previously we were (if we were lucky) managing to finalise end of month by the 15th of the month (i.e. day 11 – give or take) so you can imagine our reaction when we were advised that management reports needed to be submitted to the UK by day 5. Not possible…or so we thought.

After attending your workshop you will be pleased to know that I (with the assistance of my team) have managed to complete June end of month for all 6 entities and handed them to my CFO (so he can prepare what he needs to do) by day 3 and a half. So I just wanted to say a big thanks! The impossible now seems possible.”

Melissa O'Brien, Accountant, MRC SPF Pty Ltd, Western Australia
Mr. David Parmenter held a keynote speech and an in-depth session at our two main events of 2013. He is a very inspiring speaker with some interesting topics on his agenda. He delivers his messages in a very controversial and humoristic way and uses anecdotes from his own life to stress his opinions. He was very popular among our attendants and his keynote and session rated as number one among all speakers. We recommend him warmly as a speaker!
Maj Nedergaard, Research & Campaign Manager, Targit
We have successfully moved to a three day reporting regime which has resulted in positive comments being received from the senior management team. This would not have been achievable without the assistance from David. Our team enjoyed the workshop that David facilitated to discuss and review our existing processes. It provided the team with an opportunity to look at the end of month process in its entirety and, with some guidance from David, we were able to eliminate some steps and improve alignment with others. The result, a full CFO report, ready by COB day three. An awesome result.
Lloyd Petty, Acting Chief Financial Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra
A big “Thank you” for the Lean accounting course you presented this week. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and cannot wait to become leaner and more efficient. I will definitely be on the lookout for any other training you might be giving again in Sydney.
Mark Schild, Group Management Accountant, Rubik Financial Limited