Area of Mastery – Management & Leadership

Lessons For Millennial Managers

Imagine your organisation being led, at all levels, by ‘winning’ leaders. Imagine your organisation growing all your leaders in-house. Imagine your organisation recruiting the right staff all the time.

This website will offer you methodologies from the great paradigm shifters of the last forty years ( Drucker, Welch, Collins, Hamel), along with ideas from modern thinkers such as Holly Ransom, Jeremy Hope, Rita McGrath, and Linda Hill in an easy to absorb way. The methods will have a profound impact on your organisation and on your career.

I am constantly updating my  Winning Leadership: A Model on Leadership For The Millennial Manager” – Implementation guide (120 page PDF whitepaper + e-templates).  It is the updated version of my management book published.

The eight behavioural traits of successful leaders

As a result of a leadership think tank it was pointed out that it is imperative to separate those leadership behaviour traits that need to be in your DNA from those skills that can be learnt. In the thinktank we came up with eight behaviour traits that need to be in your DNA and fifteen skills that can be learnt.

The good news is that behaviour traits can be changed if the leader is committed.  It takes up to twelve weeks working on one behaviour change, every week, until the “penny drops” and it becomes an automatic response.

The eight behaviour traits of success leaders are:

  1. Integrity and honesty (Hard wired in their DNA)
  2. “Love thy neighbour as thyself” (Hard wired in their DNA)
  3. Abundance of positive energy (Hard wired in their DNA)
  4. Self-awareness and self-regulation (Exposure to best practice can improve performance)
  5. Decision making and risk taking (Exposure to best practice can improve performance)
  6. Ability to excel in a crisis (Hard wired in their DNA)
  7. Seeing future opportunities (Exposure to best practice can improve performance)
  8. Learning agility (Exposure to best practice can improve performance)

15 skills millennial managers need to master to be successful

As a leader, there are fifteen leadership skills to master, and this mastery can be achieved by all leaders who are committed to learning and have a mentor or two supporting them.  I have broken these skills up into two groups, people orientated skills and personal skills.

People skills(1-8)

1.    Communicating and influencing
2.    Recruiting and promoting
3.    Develop and maintain stakeholder relationships
4.    Selling and leading change
5.  Provisioning for the team
6.  Engaging others
7.  Valuing results and empowering your team
8.  Valuing a work life balance

Execution skills(12-15)

12. Embrace abandonment (letting go of the past)
13. Champion of innovation and excellence
14. A focus on execution
15. Using your mentors and your safe-haven effectively

Setting direction skills(9-11)

9.  Have a vision of your legacy
10. Define the mission, vision, values and strategy
11. Working with the organisation’s critical success factors

To read more access either David Parmenter’s: Winning Leadership (a serving Leader) – Implementation guide (110 page whitepaper + e-templates) or his short form   Working guide: Winning Leadership: A Viking with a Mother’s Heart

Some of the Published Articles & Chapter Extracts

Winning personal habits

Winning Personal Habits

Time is on my side yes it is

Know yourself

Winning work habits

30 smarter ways of working

1. Making work fun. 2. Have a grand finale. 3…

Should I Stay of Should I go?

Making the right call

Kowing when to stop

Key management skills

Attracting and recruiting talent

Hiring Headaches

The art of delegation

Embracing abandonment

Getting the right consultants on the bus

Selling and leading
change/ innovation

Scrum Down

Beating the meeting

Abolishing the myths about KPIs

Inquiring minds


Selling and leading change

Techniques to adopt from the lean movement

Ways you can destroy wealth

Winning leadership

The hidden costs of reorganisations and downsizing

This mini-Implementation guide will hopefully make the reader aware as to why they need to be very vocal and take steps to prevent these costly mistakes.

Wisdom from the great management thinkers

Getting performance bonus schemes to work

This mini-Implementation guide explores the foundation stones CFOs and controllers need to be aware of if they are involved in designing a performance bonus scheme or to fix the current broken scheme.

Leadership in the era of distraction

What you need to know before undertaking a takeover or merger

This mini-Implementation guide explores why so many takeover and mergers, which have been based on perceived synergies and cost savings, fail, and if involved in one, why you need to move on before reality strikes.

How far can your leadership go?

A paper written for accountants but applicable to all management

Seeing the future

Tips for the millennial manager

1.The 10+ Major Performance Management Traps For the Millennial Manager to Avoid

Over the forty years I have been observing and studying performance management, I have come to the conclusion that the major performance traps are so much part of the DNA of management that they are common in most organisations. Organisations need to challenge the status quo in the following areas:

  1. Operating without a unified and widely understood set of critical success factors that should drive priorities throughout the workplace.
  2. Working with poorly thought out performance measures all of which are incorrectly termed Key performance indicators.
  3. Using large strategic planning processes and annual budgeting to stifle performance.
  4. Retaining staff, processes and reporting that no longer fit the organisation rather than adopting Peter Drucker’s abandonment
  5. Starting projects without a group-wide understanding of how to sell and lead change resulting in too many stalled or failed projects.
  6. The belief that management can organise training, minimise recruitment failures and develop talent without the direction and oversight from a well-resourced HR function.
  7. Creating barriers to innovation instead of unleashing “every brain in the game”.
  8. Time poor” practices that are followed by management and then replicated by the up and coming rising stars.
  9. Using ill-conceived, unfair and dysfunctional performance related pay schemes that are detrimental to the long-term wealth of the organisation.
  10. Allowing growth in the layers of management ending up with executives whose only purpose is to attend one meeting after another.
  11. Sourcing senior leadership positions from outsiders who are brought in to the organisation because of a lack of leadership development of the in-house talent.
  12. Undertaking takeovers and mergers in the misguided belief that they will add value in the long term.
  13. Using re-organisations to remove unwanted senior management– which in the process disenfranchises all staff and weakens the organisation.
  14. The propensity to rely on error prone systems built in spreadsheets by well-meaning but misguided staff.
  15. Using late monthly reporting to monitor performance when you need daily weekly information to create change.

3.What makes a good leader

“What makes a good leader?” I was asked across a dinner table. To answer this you need to understand what makes a serving leader. How do you obtain the qualities and character that make people want to follow you over the top of the trenches? I have been exploring leadership for some time. As a disciple of Peter Drucker I have read most of his work, and I have spent much time interpreting the exploits of modern-day leaders such as Jack Welch former CEO of General Electric and comparing their styles to historic leaders such as Sir Winston Churchill, Horatio Nelson, and Sir Ernest Shackleton.

2.What to do next to improve your skill level as a Millennial Manager

  1. Read my article on leadership in an era of distraction
  2. Buy the leadership Implementation guide called Winning Leadership: A Model on Leadership For The Millennial Manager” – Implementation guide (120 page PDF whitepaper + e-templates).
  3. Read the articles on this website
  4. Acquire my “The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success”
  5. the full working  guide on time management
  6. Visit The Definitive Drucker site
  7. Visit Jim Collins website
  8. Visit Tom Peters website

David Parmenter can help in 3 ways:

1. David Parmenter’s implementation guides with E-templates

If you want to access the latest thoughts of David Parmenter on implementing Quarterly Rolling Forecasting, buy his implementation guide which is constantly updated and is a comprehensive (120 pages) guide. If you want to implement a planning tool, buy his implementation guide(110 pages). Both of these guides come with electronic templates to get your implementation started.  At the time of acquisition, David reviews, updates the guide as appropriate, and emails them to the purchaser.

3. E-templates from David Parmenter’s best-selling The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit Book

You can purchase all the electronic versions of the book templates. Once the paypal notification has been received the templates are emailed with 48 hours.

2. David Parmenter’s ‘Expert’ articles

For areas which are not covered by an implementation guide, David Parmenter has written a shorter (20- 30 pages) ‘Expert’ Article to help you make progress.  They can be read and absorbed in an hour. All you need to do is purchase them via the PayPal link and they will be emailed to you with accompanying useful E-templates within 48 hours. To buy multiple guides access the special deal.

Dear David,

I wanted to write and say thank you for the positive impact you have had on my own financial career and journey. I first came across your work at a CIMA workshop on KPIs in the early 2000’s. It was held in London. I think it may have been at the CIMA Institute HQ.

I was truly inspired that day not only by the content delivered but the way you delivered it. Since then, I’ve purchased your books, updated editions, etc. and have applied many principles. Without a doubt, the inspiration and the application of your ideas/concepts have given me success, and that success has allowed me life experiences that I would not have thought possible.

I always recommend your books to my peers, finance staff, and those going through graduate programs, etc and enjoy the benefits. The faster month-end close and post-it session to get there has been a particular favorite of mine. It gets the foundations right for the next stages in a Finance department’s evolution.

I’ve thought about writing something like this for many years and showing my gratitude. Today I thought I’d just be kind and get on with saying thanks. All the best.

— David Stuart Finance Director Holker Group