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Chapter 6: Develop winning working habits  

Chapter 5 Creating Winning Personal Habits    

Chapter 2 Find out more about yourself 

The 100-page implementation guide and a sample of E-templates for book owners

This book comes with a 100-page PDF implementation guide for book owners, as well as some free e-templates. Click the button below to access!

A guide to effective management and leadership

Moving into a new position of leadership is one of the toughest challenges a businessperson can face. Yet, many drift into it without adequate preparation, hoping a great career will just happen. In The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success, performance management thought leader David Parmenter presents proven solutions and cutting-edge techniques in your journey toward becoming an extraordinary manager and leader. This practical guide will help you manage your leadership transition so you can take charge, build your team, and deliver results.

1. All templates in the book + additional PowerPoint presentations

In the book, I have many templates, checklists, workshop templates, PowerPoint slide decks, one page report formats to help the reader. Readers will find it cost beneficial to purchase the electronic versions, thus avoiding a time consuming formatting exercise. As I only make USD$1.50 per book, I need to sell the electronic versions as they represent over USD$30,000 of my time over the years I have developed them.

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2. The electronic templates include:

  1. Personal baggage checklist
  2. Locating a mentor checklist
  3. Move or stay put checklist
  4. Treasure mapping checklist
  5. Pros and cons decision making schedule
  6. Checklist for making your email usage more efficient
  7. Selecting a good management course checklist
  8. Work & home life balance planner
  9. Time management checklist
  10. End of week checklist
  11. Quality assurance checklist
  12. Better practice graphics checklist
  13. PowerPoint presentation checklist
  14. Interview checklist
  15. Behavioral change 13 week planner
  16. Getting things done 13 week planner
  17. Performance review checklist
  18. Team off-site meeting agenda
  19. Cost of downsizing
  20. 14 great interview questions
  21. Internal control checklist
  22. Developing strategic relationships with key suppliers checklist
  23. Consulting assignment checklist
  24. Being a better manager checklist
  25. KPI reporting templates
  26. Checklist for identifying organisational critical success factors
  27. Culture change checklist
  28. One page Board dashboard
  29. Checklist for preparing a board paper
  30. One page report formats
  31. Performance pay scheme checklist
  32. Takeover or merger checklist
  33. Re-organisation checklist
  34. Locking in good leadership habits checklist
  35. Staff satisfaction survey
  36. Staff recognition letters
  37. 360-degree feedback

Dear David,

  • Even if you have already been on leadership courses I do believe there is something here for everyone, as it is a complete toolkit of practical advice, ideas and inspiration to improve your own leadership skills and development.


  • I recognized David Parmenter’s potential as an insightful and genuinely practical management and leadership writer almost twenty years ago. And now, so many successful books, columns, and articles later, he has written The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success. I will not be in the least surprised if this book sells more than any of his […]

    Reg Birchfield, Publisher, editor and writer

  • I recognized David Parmenter’s potential as an insightful and genuinely practical management and leadership writer almost twenty years ago. And now, so many successful books, columns, and articles later, he has written The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success. I will not be in the least surprised if this book sells more than any of his […]

    Reg Birchfield, Publisher, editor and writer

  • To thrive rather than survive a manager needs inspiration, guidance, and practical tools. The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success is the North Star and built in Navman that both first-time, and not-so-new, leaders have been looking for.

    Harry Mills, Author of Artful Persuasion and The Rainmaker’s Toolkit

  • Many people are jumping on the leadership bandwagon lately with no idea of what effective management and authentic leadership look and sound like or how to develop leadership talent in themselves and others. In refreshing contrast, David Parmenter spells and sounds it all out in this useful guide. Strike up the band!

    Ken Shelton, Editor/Publisher, Leadership Excellence, www.LeaderExcel.com

  • To thrive rather than survive a manager needs inspiration, guidance and practical tools. The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success is the North Star and built-in Navman that all first time, and not so new, leaders have been looking for.

    Harry Mills, Managing Director, Mills Group, Author: Artful Persuasion and The Rainmaker’s Toolkit

  • Many people are jumping on the leadership bandwagon lately with no idea of what effective management and authentic leadership look and sound like or how to develop leadership talent in themselves and others. In refreshing contrast, David Parmenter spells and sounds it all out in this useful guide. Strike up the band!

    Ken Shelton, Editor/Publisher, Leadership Excellence, www.LeaderExcel.com

This book will answer the following questions:

Questions about the STAX theme and Organic Blocks plugin? Well, we’ve got answers.

What are the leadership and management skills?

The difference between leadership and management

What are the qualities of a good team leader?

How can I become a more effective manager?

What are the top leadership traits?

What are good managerial skills?

How can I become a more effective leader?

How to be a manager for the first time?

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