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A guide for implementing KPIs in government and non-profit agencies
Performance measurement is failing organizations worldwide, whether they are multinationals, government departments, or non profit agencies. The KPIs that have been adopted were dreamed up one day without any linkage to the critical success factors of the organizations. The lack of understanding of performance measures has led most monitoring and reporting of measures to fail, including balanced scorecard initiatives.
1. A companion to Parmenter’s earlier book, Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, Third Edition, this book represents a significant shift in the way KPIs are developed and used in government and non-profit agencies. It is designed to help managers who are about to embark on a KPI project, with features to assist you with implementation, including:
- Discussion of the myths of performance measurement
- Understanding the dark side of measures
- Revitalizing performance management, including reference to the work of the paradigm shifters (Drucker, Collins, Welch, Hamel, Peters & Waterman)
- A 12-step “winning KPI” methodology
- A kit to help you find your organization’s critical success factors
- Government and non profit agency examples and case studies
- Suggestions on how to help sell the process
- Templates for reporting performance measures
- A companion website with free and for fee electronic media to save you time
2. All templates in the book + additional PowerPoint presentations
In the book, I have many templates, checklists, workshop templates, PowerPoint slide decks, one page report formats to help the reader. Readers will find it cost beneficial to purchase the electronic versions, thus avoiding a time consuming formatting exercise. As I only make USD$1.50 per book, I need to sell the electronic versions as they represent over USD$30,000 of my time over the years I have developed them.
3.The electronic templates include:
- Indicative KPI roll-out time frame template
- Agenda and content of a two day critical success factor workshop
- The workshop exercises
- Sphere of influence mapping template
- KPI reporting formats
- Questionnaire on employees’ view on KPIs
- Employee concerns and learning issues worksheet
- Agenda for staff roadshow to promote KPI project
- Marketing the KPI system to all employees checklist
- Half-day workshop timetable for the senior management team to sell the KPI project
- One day KPI focus group on CSFs and associated performance measures
- One day focus group agenda and timetable
- Senior management team commitment checklist
- Senior management team questionnaire
- Selecting a facilitator checklist
- KPI development strategy checklist
- KPI development strategy worksheet
- The KPI project facilitator’s role checklist
- Establishing a KPI project team checklist
- Establishing a KPI project team questionnaire
- KPI 360-degree questionnaire
- “Just do it” KPI project checklist
- “Just do it” KPI project worksheet
- Job description for the KPI team leader
- Workshop preparation checklist
- Draft of the CEO invitation to attend the two day critical success factors workshop
- Common critical success factors and their likely measures for government and non-profit agencies
- Preparing a list of draft operational success factors checklist
- List of common operational success factors (broken down by different types of entities- hospital, school/university, local municipality, police force, armed forces, development bank, tax collecting agencies, professional body, government department)
- List of common outcome statements
- Agenda and timetable for a two day critical success factor workshop
- Instructions for the break out exercises in the critical success factors workshop
- A list of empty words sourced from Stacey Barr’s work
- Wording of measures exercise template
- Characterizing measures template
- Proposed agenda for the staff KPI workshop
- Exercises in the staff KPI workshop
- Understanding of the organisation’s critical success factors worksheet
- Checklist to ensure you have a successful staff workshop
- Key tasks for recording performance measures
- Checking KPIs against the 7 characteristics
4. The PowerPoint templates
- A strategy PowerPoint slide deck
- Selling the KPI project to the CEO
- Selling the KPI project to the staff in your organisation
5. PDF version of updated chapters
As the book is six years old, I have included some additional updated chapters reflecting my latest work. It is unlikely that this edition will be re-published.
Dear David,
“David’s methods for the development and implementation of KPIs is straightforward, clear, and above all else, practical. Anyone interested in implementing KPIs for the first time in his or her organization will find this book an invaluable resource.”

This book will answer the following questions:
- What is a KPI?
- What makes a good KPI?
- How do you measure KPIs?
- Types of performance measures?
- Why only a few measures are KPIs?
- What are the steps to take to design a KPI?
- How do you implement KPIs in public sector organisations?
- How do you implement KPIs in a government agency?
- Why balance scorecards often fail to deliver?
- Why many KPIs do not work?
- How do you establish KPIs?