KPI Articles and Chapter Extracts

Links to some KPI Published Articles

Performance Measures

We need to challenge six myths. Leadership Journal July 2013 (4 mins)

Abolishing the myths of performance Management

ICAEW July 2013

Switch on your indicator

The power of KPIs in practice. June 2015 ACCA (4mins)

Crunchy KPIs

How measuring performance feeds success. Management Mag 2004

The C factor

A guide to implementing critical success factors. Nov 2017 ACCA (4mins)

Should we abandon performance measures

Cutter 2013

The dark side of KPIs

How KPIs can have unintended consequences. 2015 ACCA (4mins)

why HR should get behind kpis for employment to day

Examines why the HR team should get behind the balanced scorecard. Employment Today 2004

The myths around KPIs

The five key performance indicators myths. 2015 ACCA (4mins)

Winning-KPIs-for SMEs

Outlines a shortened process for implementing them in SMEs. Finance & Management 2010

Links to some KPI Chapter extracts from the 4th Edtion