CSFs and ‘Winning KPIs’ workshop Training

Stage 1: Preparation and pretraining of selected KPI team and KPI co-ordinators (About 1.5 – 2 days of work for me):

Delivering pretraining involves:

  • Liaison time with CEO re KPI team selection, selection of co-ordinators and selection of three pilot areas
  • Reviewing background materials
  • Preparation of presentations using client content 
  • Online meeting with C-suite members as required
  • Delivering 2 online training sessions of 2.5 hours each
  • Detailed review of the first cut CSFs

Recommended pre-work:

Attendees are to read Chapters 1 & 7 from D Parmenter’s KPI book 4th edition.

Session Timings

Lead byDates
Session 1: The new thinking on Key Performance Indicators & Revisiting your organisation’s success factors (SFs) and outcomes. 2.5 hoursDavid ParmenterLate July early August
Session 2: Mapping the success factors to find the critical ones.  How it works. 2.5 hoursDavid ParmenterLate July early August

Stage 2: On-line workshops for representatives in every team in the organisation (About 3-4 days of work for me)

Delivering the training involves:

  • Preparation of presentations using client content for the webinars ( 2 sessions already prepared)
  • Training the KPI team to deliver the last two sessions, including doing practice runs
  • Delivery of 3 online training sessions of 2.5 hours and attending as a mentor for the last two sessions
  • Detailed review of the first cut CSFs

Learning Outcomes:

Attendees after these webinar/workshops will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between the four types of performance measures and why most measures are not KPIs they are result indicators
  • Identify measures that are KPIs by using David Parmenter’s seven characteristics of a winning KPI
  • Apply David Parmenter’s methods to word your organisation’s success factors and desired external outcome statements
  • Understand how to complete the CSF and KPI workshop exercises
  • Use techniques to develop meaningful measures
  • Ascertain some KPIs that will help transform Operations
  • Understand the amount of commitment required to complete the CSF /KPI project

Recommended pre-work:

Attendees are to read Chapters 1 & 7 from D Parmenter’s KPI book 4th edition.

Session Timings

Lead byDates
Session 1: The new thinking on Key Performance Indicators & Revisiting your organisation’s success factors (SFs) and outcomes. 2.5 hoursDavid ParmenterWeek #1
Session 2: Mapping the success factors to find the critical ones.  How it works. 2.5 hoursDavid ParmenterWeek #1
Session 3: Designing measures from success factors & Reporting measures using the rules from Stephen Few. 2.5 hoursDavid ParmenterWeek #2
Session 4: The CEO gives feedback on the proposed CSFs. Reworking CSFs, delete duplicated and inferior measures & the three-stage CSF & KPI process. 2.5 hoursKPI team with David’s  online attendanceWeek #3
Session 5: Feedback from 3 pilot locations.  The myths of performance measurement & workgroups present their way forward. 2.5 hoursKPI team with David’s  online attendanceWeek #8

Session 1: Led by David Parmenter

Pre-activity to session 1:  Background work to ascertain current success factor wording that is used in Operations and use the success factor list provided by David Parmenter from his book.

Session 1: Led by David Parmenter

8.00Opening Remarks by CEOSetting the context of the workshop
8.10Presentation #1: Recap on the new thinking on Key Performance Indicators by David ParmenterKPI storiesThe difference between the four types of performance measures The characteristics of a winning KPI The 10,80,10 rule for performance measuresWhy finding measures need more rigourThe need for past, current and future measuresImportance of knowing your organisation’s critical success factors
Presentation #2: Wording of success factors and external outcomes by David ParmenterCommence workshop #1 Revisiting  Operation’s success factors (SFs) and outcomes. All work that has been already done in wording success factors will be tabled.
9.45Five-minute break
9.50Groups give their feedback on the SFs and outcomes. 
10.00Recommence workshop #1
10.30End of session Homework exercise: Review a list of twenty measures used by Operations and classify them.

Session 2: Led by David Parmenter

Pre-activity by KPI team before session 2: Rewording from workshop is collated and another tidying up of wording to avoid outcomes statements and weasel words.  Input success factors into an A3 diagram and the Excel spreadsheet provided by David Parmenter from his book.

Session 2: Led by David Parmenter

8 amQuestion & Answer session 
8.10Presentation #2: Mapping the success factors to find the critical ones, the CSFs.  How it worksThe end goal for the CSFsHow to perform sphere of influence mapping by using the airline example  The end result of the CFS – a poster on workplace walls
8.30Commence workshop #2: Sphere of influence mapping using an airline’s success factors (using the A3 prepared schedule) 
8.50Commence workshop #3: Sphere of influence mapping of Operations success factors (using the work from workshop #1) (using the A3 prepared schedule and the Sphere of influence spreadsheet)
9.30 Five-minute break 
9.35Feedback from workgroups on one part of their mapping
10.00Recommence workshop #3
10.30End of session

Session 3:  Led by David Parmenter

Pre-activity to session 3:  KPI team to collate all the high scoring Operations’ success factors and draft and develop a list of up to 10-14 success factors.  A team of three people, selected by the KPI team,  are to re-score the top 10-14 success factors reducing to up to eight CSFs.  

A table prepared of CSF, higher scoring success factors, and lower scoring success factor.  Prepare the CSFs PowerPoint presentation.  Discuss with attendees before session.

Session 3:  Led by David Parmenter

8.00KPI team present their work on the draft CSFs
8.20Presentation #3: Designing measures from success factorsHow to design measures (worked example)Common problems with measuresAscertaining measures from one of the success factors 
8.50Commence workshop #4: Design performance measures for Operations’ critical success factors that relate to the three pilot areas.  Highlight those that are Key Result Indicators ( the three pilots will be shared amongst the workgroups of 2 or 3 attendees).
9.20Workgroups give their feedback on their mapping
9.40 Five-minute break 
9.45Recommence workshop #4
10.10Presentation #4: Reporting measures and the rules from Stephen Few
10.30End of session Homework exercise: Each team is given a report to redesign, based on these guideline.

Session 4: Led by the KPI team to attendees who work in the pilot areas.

Pre-activity to session 4:  KPI team to:

1. collate all measures into a database and beginning to remove duplications, standardise common measures, and remove meaningless measures.

2.KPI team discusses measures with the 3 pilot area attendees before the session.

Session 4: Led by the KPI team to attendees who work in the pilot areas.

8.00Workgroups give their feedback on their resigned reports.
8.15CEO gives feedback on the proposed CSFs and KRIs 
8.45Commence workshop #5: Rework CSF wording based on SLT feedback.  Redesign the KRIs to meet Operations’ interpretation of EA requirements based on SLT feedback (performed in group of two).
9.15 Feedback from workgroups
9.25 Five-minute break 
9.30Recommence workshop #4: Design performance measures for Operations’ critical success factors that relate to the three pilot areas.  Highlight those that are Key Result Indicators ( the three pilots will be shared amongst the workgroups of 2 or 3 attendees).
10.30End of session

Session 5: Led by the KPI Team 

Pre-activity to session 5:  KPI team gather all KRIs that summarise success within the three pilot areas and shortlist the top ten for discussion with the EA. The three pilots prepare a small PowerPoint presentation (3 to 4 slides covering new measures, measures that are to be discarded, their next steps and implementation timeline).

Session 5: Led by the KPI Team 

8 amQuestion & Answer session 
8.20Presentation #6: The myths of performance measurement
9.00Groups give their feedback on the measures
9.30Five-minute break 
9.35Groups give their feedback via a small PowerPoint presentation (2 or 3 slides).  All senior management who are not present join the session.
10.00Closing remarks by CEO 

Stage 3: Further KPI team support (About 2.5-4 days of work for me)

Further KPI team support would include:

  • Weekly meetings for the duration of the active stages in the KPI project
  • On-call to answer questions that are holding up progress
  • Detailed review of the final draft of the critical success factors. 
  • Assistance with the preparation of the slides for the presentation of the CSFs to staff
  • Detailed review of the final performance measures.