Attendees reviews on David’s courses and Keynote speeches

Thank you for delivering three excellent sessions at the Financial Controller’s Conference – and for helping to maintain the energy levels of the audience over the day. The audience really enjoyed your slots. 

Simon Alsop, Head of Business, ICAEW 

Speaking at ICAEW’s CFO Conference, David showed why he is an audience favourite. In just an hour, he successfully demystified performance measurement. He summarised how to devise truly effective KPIs using his seven key characteristics. On a day that was praised for the quality of its speaker presentations, David came out top in the feedback from delegates. 

Stephen Ibbotson FCA, Director, Commercial & Business, ICAEW 

Mr. David Parmenter held a keynote speech and an in-depth session at our two main events (Copenhagen & Tampa, USA). He is a very inspiring speaker with some interesting topics on his agenda. David delivers his messages in a very controversial and humorous way. He uses anecdotes from his own life to stress his opinions. He was very popular among our attendants and his keynote and session rated as number 1 among all speakers. We recommend him warmly as a speaker! 

Maj Nedergaard, Research & Campaign Manager, Targit 

We asked David Parmenter to deliver a keynote address on KPIs at our KPI conference held in Estonia. The conference was a great success, and attendees were very happy with his remarkable professionalism. I have hosted hundreds of speakers, and I have very seldom seen such an attention to detail. Delegates received very useful templates to move them forward. 

Toomas Tamsar, Employers Association, Estonia 

David Parmenter was the keynote address at our one-day “Management Accounting Conference.” It was a great success, and we couldn’t have pulled it off without his contribution both before and during the conference. The audience gave him the highest ratings with comments such as: 

David is an entertaining and knowledgeable speaker who injects humour into his speech. He also offers further materials, which is helpful.  

Great presenter to open with and got to the core of KPIs.  

Best speaker ever thoroughly enjoyed it.  

Awesome presentation, different, dynamic.  

Excellent presentation and great examples. Best session!  

Clear message and entertaining style. 

Jess Vailima, Conference Coordinator CAANZ 

We now have had David as a key note presenter to two of our annual conferences for the Finance teams in the Australian General Practice Network. He delivered two sessions each day. The presentations were superb, with a high degree of satisfaction from the attendees. Not only were the sessions entertaining they contained profound messages. The electronic templates that David provided attendees have been worth the attendee’s conference fee! 

Carolyn Campbell-Wood, CFO, Australian Medicare local alliance 

David was the keynote speaker at our National Dealership Accountant Conference. His presentations were delivered in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. One of our objectives of the conference was to have the Financial Controllers reporting earlier each month, and we owe our new, very positive results to David’s impact on the attendees.  
Martyn Tierney, Planning Manager, Toyota Australia  

Thank you again most sincerely for providing the Fiji Branch of the CPA Australia Congress with two magnificent presentations, as were the two that you provided to us last year. 

I have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from delegates, who not only enjoyed the content of your presentations but also the manner in which they were presented. Our delegates loved the use of the pen on the tablet. This method really engaged them. 

The Prime Minister chuckled when you fell to your knees to make a point, 

telling me he wished he had staff like you! So, thank you once again, David, for coming to Fiji for us again. 

Neil Underhill, Honorary Treasurer, CPA Australia ~ Fiji Branch 

I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to sit through that presentation yesterday at the IBM Finance Forum. Thank you. A like-minded champion to the cause. I had an old colleague in the audience yesterday who was my right-hand accountant when I was a CFO. She said, ‘My gosh, it was like I was back in the boardroom listening to you from 10 years ago, almost word for word.’  

I’d have to say ‘goosebumps’ is the appropriate phrase that summed up your session. Bravo, David, bravo 

Johnnie Walker, The BMA Group, Australia 

Feedback on David Parmenter’s courses

“Previously we were (if we were lucky) managing to finalise end of month by the 15th of the month (i.e. day 11 – give or take) so you can imagine our reaction when we were advised that management reports needed to be submitted to the UK by day 5. Not possible…or so we thought.

After attending your workshop you will be pleased to know that I (with the assistance of my team) have managed to complete June end of month for all 6 entities and handed them to my CFO (so he can prepare what he needs to do) by day 3 and a half. So I just wanted to say a big thanks! The impossible now seems possible.”

Melissa O’Brien, Accountant, MRC SPF Pty Ltd, Western Australia

We have successfully moved to a three day reporting regime which has resulted in positive comments being received from the senior management team. This would not have been achievable without the assistance from David. Our team enjoyed the workshop that David facilitated to discuss and review our existing processes. It provided the team with an opportunity to look at the end of month process in its entirety and, with some guidance from David, we were able to eliminate some steps and improve alignment with others. The result, a full CFO report, ready by COB day three. An awesome result.

Lloyd Petty, Acting Chief Financial Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Canberra

A big “Thank you” for the Lean accounting course you presented this week. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and cannot wait to become leaner and more efficient. I will definitely be on the lookout for any other training you might be giving again in Sydney.

Mark Schild, Group Management Accountant, Rubik Financial Limited