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Half Day workshop delivered David Parmenter “Developing, implementing and using winning KPIs”
Performance measurement is failing organizations worldwide, whether they are multinationals, government departments, or non profit agencies. The KPIs that have been adopted were dreamed up one day, without any linkage to the critical success factors of the organizations. The lack of understanding of performance measures has led most monitoring and reporting of measures to fail, including balanced scorecard initiatives.
For years many organisations have used what they thought were KPIs but the measures have not had the impact management and the Board were seeking. KPIs themselves are mislabelled and misused. Organisations with over 20 KPIs lack focus, lack alignment and under achieve. In fact, there are normally less than 10 true KPIs in an organisation and these are measured and reported 24/7, daily, or at the outside weekly.
David Parmenter’s books “Key Performance Indicators – Developing, Implementing and Using Winning KPIs” (2007,2010) and “Key Performance Indicators For Government and Non Profit Agencies” (2012) This course represents a chance to catch up with the latest thinking on KPIs. David believes that there are four types of performance measures and thus choosing the right mix is crucial for effective measurement and control.
This workshop will show you how to choose the right KPIs. Participants will be encouraged to share performance indicators they are currently working with, and to refine and edit them through workshop participation. This session will be useful for organisations regardless as to whether they have a balanced scorecard or not.
This session will cover:
- how performance measures are divided into four types: key result indicators, performance indicators, result indicators and key performance indicators
- understanding the dark side of performance measures
- the myths of performance measurement (all measures are KPIs, it is easy to find measures that work etc)
- how to arrive at your organization’s critical success factors (CSF)
- workshop to brainstorm measures from a CSF
- the 10/80/10 rule for measures
- reporting of performance using the thinking of Stephen Few
- how to sell the change to management and the Board
- the next steps
Benefits of attending
Upon attending you will be able to:
- distinguish between KPIs and key result indicators
- explain the new thinking on KPIs
- brainstorm your organisation’s critical success factors
- report measures to staff, management and the Board
- use the checklists and templates designed to help you with your implementation
- identify some performance measures of relevance to your organization
Takeaway material
You will receive a whitepaper (valued at NZ$250) and access to electronic templates from David Parmenter’s website (password is given to all attendees).
Target audience
This workshop is suitable for all staff responsible for monitoring and reporting the performance of a business unit, division or an organisation as whole. This program will be of particular benefit to:
- Balance scorecard implementers
- Team responsible for organisation – wide performance measurement
- CFOs and reporting accountants responsible for reporting performance measurement on a regular basis
- Management and financial accountants responsible for reporting
- CEOs and General Managers who are dissatisfied with performance measurement in their organisation and wish to scope out a complete revisit in performance measurement
- Heads of Department
- Management who have been assigned the task to improve performance measurement in their organization
Feedback from a recent course run in the UK
‘Helpful tools for re-implementing KPIs at current organisation’
Mr Tony Evans ACMA, Data and Statistics Manager, Jhp Group Ltd
‘Will help with implementing KPIs in my organisation’
Mr Stuart Sims ACMA, Commercial Accountant, Total Produce Ltd
‘Very practical and informative’
Mr Winston Luke, Finance Manager, Medical Research Council

David Parmenter is an international presenter who is known for his thought provoking and lively sessions, which have led to substantial change in many organisations. He has spoken in over 30 countries and in most continents in the world. Besides delivering in-depth workshops he has been a keynote speaker for the IBM Finance Forum, The World Capability Congress, TEC Malaysia, Profiles International Romania. David is a leading expert in: the development of winning KPIs, replacing the annual planning process with quarterly rolling planning, quick month-end processes and making reporting a decision based tool.
John Wiley & Sons Inc have published his four books, including “Winning CFOs: Implementing and Applying Better Practices”, “The leading-edge Manager’s guide to success – strategies and better practices” and “Key Performance Indicators – developing, implementing and using winning KPIs”.
David has also worked for Ernst & Young, BP Oil Ltd, Arthur Andersen, and Price Waterhouse. David is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
He has written over 50 articles for the accounting and management journals. He has won two ‘article of merit’ awards from the International Federation of Accountants. (2007 and 2009). His published articles titles include: “Quarterly rolling planning – removing the barriers to success”, “Throw away the annual budget”, “Beware corporate mergers”, “Implementing a Balanced Scorecard in 16 weeks not 16 months”, “Convert your monthly reporting to a management tool”, “Smash through the performance barrier”, “Is your board reporting process out of control?” “Implementing winning Key Performance Indicators”, “Quick month end reporting” “Conquest leadership- lessons from Sir Ernest Shackleton” etc.
CPD Hours: Up to 3.5 hours