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E-database of Measures and Associated Success Factors From The KPI book 4th Edition

Refreshed and enhanced for businesses in the  4th edition of my KPI book.  These performance measures and success factors have been re-imagined to provide better insights for businesses. Included is both a Microsoft Access database containing the aforementioned data, instructions on how to best use the database for maximum utilisation and effect, as well as…


A sample from the 400 performance measures featured in the KPI database included in the 4th Edition

The following database is a listing of performance measures to help start this process off. These measures will be a valuable resource when looking at performance measures during workshops.

I have been influenced by Stacey Barr’s work and agree that it is beneficial to evaluate potential measures by asking two questions for each potential measure:

  1. How strong an indicator of performance is this measure? (5 = very strong, 1 = very weak)
  2. How feasible will it be to measure this? (5= very easy as will already be system generated , 3 = special request will be required to gather data, 1 = very difficult to gather data)

The strength of the measure should be evaluated with regards to the critical success factor you are working with. My weightings are thus only guidelines.

Measure Frequency of Measurement Time period (Past, Current, Future) Result / Performance indicator Team (s) That Would Use Measure Strength Feasibility Sector (s) That Would Use Measure Key word Performance measure category
Date of next visit to key customers (by customer name reported to CEO) Weekly Future P S&M 5 5 All private sector Customer (Key) 1
Number of key customer complaints where senior management needed to instigate the remedial action Monthly Past P S&M 5 5 All private sector Customer (Key) 1
Number of initiatives completed from the recent key customer satisfaction survey Weekly for three months post survey Past P S&M 5 5 All sectors Customer (Key) 1
Number of initiatives planned for next month, months two to three, four to six, to attract new customers to purchase/use our goods or services Monthly Future R Marketing 5 5 All sectors New customer 1
Late deliveries / incomplete deliveries to key customers 24 / 7 Current P Dispatch 5 5 Service On-time delivery 2
Percentage of on-time  delivery ( show progress over last eighteen months) Monthly Past R Dispatch 5 5 All sectors On-time delivery 2
List of key customers where time since last order >  ___ weeks Weekly Past R S&M 5 5 All sectors Order processing 2
Near miss incidents which could have involved pollution of the environment 24 / 7 Current R Production 5 5 Manufacturing Accidents 3
Accidents and breaches of safety (reported to the CEO immediately) 24 / 7 Current R HR 5 5 All sectors Accidents 3
Number of safety inspections planned for next month Monthly Future R HR 5 5 All sectors HSE 3
Health and Safety issues raised and not resolved after 2 weeks Weekly Past R HR 5 5 All sectors HSE 3
Volunteers recruited in month Monthly Past R Operations 5 5 Charity Community involvement 4
Number of environmental complaints received in a week Weekly Past R PR 5 5 All sectors Environment 4
Number of positive press releases issued to the  papers and journals in the past 30 days /60 days Monthly Past R PR 5 5 All sectors PR 4
Candidates (not key positions) who have not responded within 48 hours to their job offer ( reported to two layers of management) 24/7, Daily Current P HR 5 5 All sectors Recruiting 5
Key position job offers that are over 48 hours old and have not yet been accepted by the chosen candidate (report daily  to CEO/GM) 24 / 7 Current P HR 5 5 All sectors Recruiting 5
Expressions of interest from potential candidates, which have not been responded to within three days of receipt of interest Daily Current P HR 5 5 All sectors Recruiting 5
Recruitments in progress for which the last interview was over two weeks ago Weekly Past P HR 5 5 All sectors Recruiting 5
Number of planned CEO recognitions for next week/two weeks Weekly Future P HR 5 5 All sectors Recognition 6
Number of planned recognitions in the next week/two weeks by each manager Weekly Future P HR 5 5 All sectors Recognition 6
Number of CEO recognitions made in the past week/two weeks Weekly Past P HR 5 5 All sectors Recognition 6
Employee complaints still unresolved after two weeks Weekly Past R HR 5 5 All sectors Staff satisfaction 6
Number of initiatives implemented after staff satisfaction survey Weekly for four months post employee survey Past P HR 5 5 All sectors Staff satisfaction 6
Free cash flow (operating cash flow minus capital expenditures) Monthly Past R Accounting 5 5 All private sector Cashflow 7
The average number of days of production in current key raw materials in stock Monthly Past R Accounting 5 5 All private sector Cashflow 7
Debt-to-equity ratio Monthly Past R Accounting 5 5 All private sector Cashflow 7
Number of abandonments to be actioned in the next 30 days, 60 days and 90 days Weekly Future P All teams 5 5 All sectors Abandonment 8
List of abandonments in last month by team Monthly Past P All teams 5 5 All sectors Abandonment 8
Key products that are anticipated to be “out of stock” before next delivery (notified to CEO) Daily Current R Production 5 5 All private sector Inventory 9
Late changes to new major products after design completion Monthly Past R R&D 5 5 Manufacturing New products 10
Number of new innovations that will be fully operational in the next three months by department Monthly Future R All teams 5 5 All sectors Innovation 11
List of late time sheets Weekly Past R All teams 5 5 Service Lean Processes 11
Number of beds unoccupied for over 24 hours Daily Past R Operations 5 5 Health Lean Processes 11
Number of operations cancelled because of shortage of beds Daily Past R Operations 5 5 Health Lean Processes 11
Teams not represented in the in-house courses to be held in the next two weeks (reported daily to the CEO) Daily Future P All teams 5 5 All sectors Training 11
Production yield (Percentage of product produced fit for purpose over total product produced) Weekly Past R Production 5 5 Manufacturing Production 12
Breaches in IT protocols Daily Current P IT 5 5 All sectors Security 12
Date of last test of recovering data from a back-ups held at a remote site Monthly Past P IT 5 5 All sectors Security 12
List of late projects by manager reported weekly to the senior management team Weekly Past P Project teams 5 5 All sectors Projects 13
Number of initiatives completed from the recent in-house satisfaction survey on HQ functions Weekly for three months post survey Past P Head Office 5 5 All sectors Head office 14

Table key:

Past = All measures measuring past activity (Note: Yesterday’s activity is considered a current measure.)

Current = Yesterday’s or today’s activity

Future = Measuring an event that is to occur in the future (date of next meeting with key client, date of next promotion, etc.)

Performance measure categories:

  1. Customer  / Key Customer/ New  Customer/ Sales pipeline/ Call Center / Brand Recognition
  2. Quality / On-time Delivery / Order Processing / Pricing
  3. Health & Safety / Accidents/ Emergency response
  4. Linkage with Local Community / Environmental / Waste / Public Relations
  5. Recruiting / Student Internships
  6. Employee Satisfaction / Absenteeism/ Staff turnover/ Recognition / Leave communication
  7. Capital Expenditure / Cashflow/ Cost Control/ Debtors/ Financial Reporting/ Profitability
  8. Internal Processes/ Abandonment / Contractor Management/ Help Desk/ Payables/ Payroll/ Staff Management
  9. Stock Levels / Stock Outs
  10. New Products / Research & Development / Patents
  11. Innovation / Lean Processes / Training
  12. Production / Maintenance / Utilization / Security / Systems / Vehicles
  13. Projects
  14. Head Office

There are some steps you need to do before using any KPI database

These are set out in my Critical Success Factor and KPI Toolkits 

Testimonials on the KPI book  4th edition (Amazon)

Great, informative, and practical. It is worth much more than many available training programs on Performance and Strategy Management. Highly recommended.

I have read both the 3rd and the 4th editions of this book. Firstly, this book clearly defines what a KPI is and the myths around KPIs. Different types of measures and how to report them are clearly explained. Also, the author introduces a concept called Critical Success Factor (CSF) – what it is, why it is so important to organisations and why all KPIs should be derived from CSFs. Compared to the 4th edition (I call the 4th edition as KPI yellow bible), exercises are there on wording measures, a new chapter is introduced on measures characteristics, and I feel overall it is more organised. I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in setting up KPIs in their organisation.


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