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KPI Implementation Guide (less than 100 FTEs) – 180 page PDF whitepaper + e-templates +KPI database

180 page KPI  whitepaper. If your KPIs are not adding substantial benefits to your organisation you may have the wrong measures. By purchasing this toolkit for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with less than 100 FTEs (180 page whitepaper + e-templates) you will be taking a step to transform performance in your organisation. This paper…


For years many organizations have used what they thought were KPIs but the measures have not had the impact management and the Board were seeking. KPIs are mislabelled and misused in many organizations. With over 20 KPIs organizations lack focus, lack alignment and under achieve. In fact, there are normally less than 10 true KPIs in an organization and these are measured and reported 24/7, daily, or at the outside weekly.

This toolkit for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with less than 100 FTEs covers the latest thinking on KPIs. David believes that there are four types of performance measures and choosing the right mix is crucial for effective measurement and control.

This PDF whitepaper has been updated with David Parmenter latest work connected to his 4th edition of his bestselling KPI book. The e-templates are emailed with the PDF whitepaper. This toolkit will show you how to choose the right KPIs and will be useful for organisations regardless as to whether they have a balanced scorecard or not.

Please click here to look inside the whitepaper.

Why you need this toolkit:

  • Many initiatives involving KPIs have failed – balanced scorecards have not lived up to their promise. This toolkit will restart any KPI initiative you have.
  • Easy to use checklists & templates provided electronically – which can be in use immediately (See list below).
  • Expose yourself to the latest thinking on Key performance indicators and understand the difference between the four types of performance measure.
  • Over 400 performance measures are included in the electronic media (Value US$100) all relevant to an SME.
  • The templates from David’s KPI book are also provided. They have been tailored to an SME with 100-250 FTEs (Value US$125).
  • Blow the CEO and the Board away with great new report formats

This toolkit will answer the following questions:

  • How do you measure KPIs?
  • What is a KPI?
  • Types of performance measures?
  • What makes a good KPI?
  • Why only a few measures are KPIs?
  • How to design a KPI?
  • What are the steps to take to design a KPI?
  • Why many KPIs do not work?

In this toolkit, I have many templates, checklists, workshop templates, PowerPoint slide decks, one-page report formats to help the reader. These electronic versions represent over USD$30,000 of my time over the years I have developed them.

The electronic templates include:

  • Indicative KPI roll-out time frame template
  • Agenda and content of a two-day critical success factor workshop
  • The critical success factor workshop exercises
  • Sphere of influence mapping template
  • KPI reporting formats
  • Marketing the KPI system to all employees checklist
  • One day focus group agenda and timetable
  • Senior management team commitment checklist
  • Senior management team questionnaire
  • Selecting a facilitator checklist
  • The KPI project facilitator’s role checklist
  • Establishing a KPI project team checklist
  • “Just do it” KPI project checklist
  • “Just do it” KPI project worksheet
  • Workshop preparation checklist
  • Draft of the CEO invitation to attend the two-day critical success factors workshop
  • Preparing a list of draft operational success factors checklist
  • List of common operational success factors
  • List of common outcome statements
  • Agenda and timetable for a two-day critical success factor workshop
  • Instructions for the breakout exercises in the critical success factors workshop
  • A list of empty words
  • Wording of measures exercise template
  • Characterizing measures template
  • Proposed agenda for the staff KPI workshop
  • Exercises in the staff KPI workshop
  • Checklist to ensure you have a successful staff workshop
  • Key tasks for recording performance measures
  • Checking KPIs against the seven characteristics

The PowerPoint templates

  • A strategy PowerPoint slide deck
  • Selling the KPI project to the CEO
  • Selling the KPI project to the staff in your organisation

Electronic Database of vetted performance measures suitable for an SME with less than 100 FTEs


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