Quarterly Rolling Forecasting – the 14 foundation stones

Quarterly Rolling Forecasting is one of the most important management tools of this decade and is a process that will revolutionise any public or private sector organisation.

There are fourteen foundation stones that need to be in place for it to work.

  1. Abandoning processes that do not work
  2. The QRF model should be built by in-house resources
  3. Separation of targets from realistic forecasts
  4. A quarterly process using the wisdom of the crowd
  5. Forecast beyond year-end (e.g., six quarters ahead)
  6. The monthly targets are set, a quarter ahead, from the QRF
  7. A quarter-by-quarter funding mechanism
  8. The annual plan becomes a by-product of the QRF
  9. Forecasting at category level rather than account code level
  10. The QRF should be based around the key drivers
  11. A fast light touch (completed in an elapsed week)
  12. Built in a planning tool – not in a spreadsheet
  13. Design the planning tool with four and five-week months
  14. Invest in a comprehensive blueprint

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