Rolling Forecasting Articles

I hope you will find those articles and chapter extracts to be useful on your journey. Of course, I would prefer you will purchase my latest work which is available in my KPI&CSFs working guides.

Links to some Rolling Forecasting Published Articles

Roll model

In this latest article on rolling planning. 2014 ACCA (4mins)

Demolishing barriers to success

Quarterly rolling
planning (QRP) is the most important management
tool of this decade. ZICAl 2005

Why you need a planning tool

And how to sell it to the C-suite. IBM 2015 (20 mins)

The Advantages of Rolling Forecasting

– over annual budgeting. ICAEW 2015 (8 mins)

Getting ready for rolling planning

How to set up effective rolling forecasting. part 1 2014 ACCA (4mins)

Time to get rolling

How to set up effective rolling forecasting. part 2 2014 ACCA (4mins)

Links to some Rolling Forecasting Chapter extracts from the 4th Edtion