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Getting Performance Bonus Schemes to Work

Performance bonus schemes can be seen as an annual entitlement, be very costly, create endless arguments and not lead to notable improved performance. This working guide explores the foundation stones senior management must be aware of if they are involved in designing or fixing a bonus scheme. The working guide contains 10 pages designed to help readers to…


Written by international writer, David Parmenter. This working guide will transform the lives of you and your team through the adoption of practices your peers have used successfully who come from top performing teams around the world.


  • Background
  • Bonus Scheme Foundation Stones
  • Avoid Tying to a Future Target
  • Exclude Super Profits
  • Free from Unearned Adjustments
  • Apply the Full Cost of Capital
  • At-Risk Portion of Salary Separate from the Scheme
  • Avoid Any Linkage to the Share Price
  • Make Bonuses Team-Based Rather Than Individual Based
  • Avoid the Annual Entitlement
  • Linked to a Balanced Performance
  • Exclude Unrealized Gains
  • Test Scheme to Minimize Manipulation
  • Avoid Links KPIs

This working guide will help you answer queries and guide you to a best practice solution in this area. These working guides are sent as a PDF copy, normally within 48 hours of payment.


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