KPI/CSFs Online Training

From my experience in this area, most organizations will need to run a two day workshop attended by experienced staff from around the organization, as much of the senior management team as possible, and the chief executive officer (CEO).

The CEO needs to attend the first half day and the last session after the afternoon break on the second day. However, in CSF workshops I have delivered for organizations, many CEOs have said they regretted not being available for the whole two days.

The staff who are likely to be on the KPI team should also attend. It is important to have experienced staff (the oracles) attend this workshop, as you are trying to ascertain the organization’s success factors and then determine which ones are critical. It is not a workshop for staff new to the organization. The organization’s oracles are the individuals everyone refers you to when you need something answered (e.g., “You need to talk to Pat”).

To assist organizations in finding their CSFs, I have provided the templates I personally use when facilitating the workshop. The draft letter invitation, workshop agenda, and workshop exercises are set out in the Critical Success Factors Kit, Chapter 7 in my companion book(Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs,  4th ed. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2020).

The In-House Workshop Covers the Following:

  •  The new thinking on key performance measures, as outlined in my book.
  • The agreement of the organization’s success factors, which have been gathered in Task 1: Documenting the Already Identified Success Factors.
  •  How to perform relationship mapping to ascertain CSFs from the success factors.
  • The identification of the organization’s CSFs through the application of the relationship-mapping process on the organization’s success factors, as outlined in my book.
  • The three stage winning KPI process, set out in my book (taking around 16 weeks for organisations over 250 FTEs).
  • How to brainstorm performance measures from the organization’s CSFs
  • How to report performance measures to staff, management, and the board.
  • The commencement of brainstorming organizational and team performance measures from the CSFs.
  • Presentations by each work group covering their next steps to complete their scorecard, new measures they wish to use, and existing measures they wish to discard.

How to run the workshop

This workshop needs to be facilitated by a skilled presenter familiar with the content in my KPI book.

To help organizations find their CSFs I have provided the templates I personally use when facilitating the CSF workshop in my Implementation guides.

Assistance from David Parmenter in Running The Workshop

I can help in a number of ways

Please complete the enquiry form to progress your request for assistance.

The critical success factor workshop run as five webinars

I have successfully trained teams (in Australia, UK and USA) using 2.5 hour web based training sessions using GoToMeeting technology.  Attendees meet in groups, where they work in front of laptops (two per lap-top) so we can see each other and I can gauge the level of comprehension and engagement.

The material covered is delivered in five web based workshops (2-2.5 hours long).  Click here for a draft outline of the five session programme which will be tailored to suit your needs once confirmation of fees is received.

To maximise the benefit I would pretrain a select group of attendees so they are able to take a workshop team leader role in the webinar training.  This training involves two web based workshops (2 hours long).

Delivering this web based training programme (2+5 sessions) is about 4.5 days of work for me (liaison time, preparation, delivery and follow-up).  The cost of service is NZ$14,000.

A deposit of NZ$6,000 is paid to confirm bookings.  Balance paid on day of third webinar.

Please complete the enquiry form to progress your request for assistance.