The journey to a lean accounting function – the practices to adopt to make a difference (4* 90 minute webinars)

Whilst most corporate accountants are aware of the revolution of lean and its positive impact on private, government and non profit sectors few have realised the profound impact it has on the accounting function. The pioneers of lean accounting have now blazed a pathway that all corporate accountants need to walk along. Lean accounting not only looks at making all finance team processes more efficient, it changes the way we report numbers (by using value streams), it challenges our thinking about spare capacity and our treatment of inventory and totally rethinks the use of cost allocations (the validity of activity based accounting is challenged).javascript:void(0);

The “lean accounting” movement has been gaining momentum around the world and is a hot topic. Thus it will not be long before CEOs start asking questions about it. It is thus imperative that corporate accountants, sooner rather than later, understand the concepts of lean accounting and its implications to their finance team and organisation.

Join David Parmenter, author and international presenter, as he gives you a practical overview of the current lean accounting movement and its impact on your organisation and sector. David will cover the lean methods the finance team can use to put some quick wins on the board.

These 4*90 min webinars are based on David Parmenter’s ground breaking book “The Financial Controllers and CFO’s Toolkit” which covers the better practices from “winning” finance teams around the world.

Around the world some exceptional corporate accountants have questioned the status quo and implemented practices that have revolutionised the value the corporate accounting team can generate. These successful corporate accountants spent more time in the 20% of issues that really matter and have been ruthless with the time the team spends on the 80% of issues that are less important. In other words they apply Pareto’s principle.


  • Learn why you need to embrace the LEAN movement
  • Learn from world class finance teams
  • Understand how to adopt Toyota’s 14 principles e.g. making innovation a daily activity
  • Avoid performance measures that hurt your organisation – the dark side of KPIs
  • How value stream accountings is superior to traditional product costing
  • Lean reporting – better decision making, more focused daily and weekly reports
  • How target pricing can improve profitability
  • Apply lean methods (Agile, SCRUM, and Demming’s PDCA) in the accounting function
  • Obtaining quick wins through the introduction of:
    • fast month-end reporting into your organisation – covering the quick wins
    • a fast light touch planning and forecasting regime including the foundation stones of quarterly rolling forecasting
    • daily and weekly reporting that show real numbers
    • kaizen – innovation being a daily activity

Target audience:

  • Finance directors, CFOs, financial controllers
  • Management and financial accountants
  • Practitioners who act as a CFO for their SME clients.

Benefits of attending

Upon attending you will be able to:

  • apply the lean concepts to your accounting function
  • commence changing the major ineffective processes finance teams commonly use
  • redesign your report formats that will make a difference to management based on the case studies covered in the course
  • cut days out of your month-end processes – immediately
  • complete fast forecasts and plans
  • review, at your leisure, the comprehensive white paper with electronic media valued at NZ$250.

Event Organizers and Professional bodies

This course is now delivered via webinars.  Please complete the enquiry form.

Booking an in-house course

If you have over eight staff that would benefit from this course, it is financially viably to run this in-house webinar. Please complete the enquiry form.


David Parmenter is able to deliver webinars at short notice.

7.5 CPD hours (where applicable)