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David Parmenter
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Earl Rishellon
Though the book is written to satisfy the necessities of a large organization and my application was for a small firm (a “flat” organization with less than 35 employees), the information was sufficiently concise and complete, that I could readily modify the recommendations and net strong results. I recommend this book for anyone seeking to…
David Parmenter
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Stanley Capela
When you are trying to implement a performance mesurements system in a non-profit it is extremely important to have tools that are clear, concise and useful. Parmenter’s book Key Performance Indicators especially the second edition played a clear role in helping me design indicators that made the most sense. Further the info in the book…
David Parmenter
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A really good introduction to KPIs. I’ve had this in my library since the 1st version came out a few years ago. I work with balanced scorecards and this book helped push me in the right direction when I was struggling to get started. A few people have complained that the templates in the book…
David Parmenter
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SCOTT HODGE, President and Performance Architect, Associates in Management Excellence
David’s KPI methodology is easy to understand and share, and facilitates the identification and implementation of KPIs in any business. His approach drives improvement in operational performance.
David Parmenter
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“David’s methods for the development and implementation of KPIs is straightforward, clear, and above all else, practical. Anyone interested in implementing KPIs for the first time in his or her organization will find this book an invaluable resource.”
David Parmenter
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Adam Edwards
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is overused. Parmenter does a great job in distinguishing between KPI’s and KRI’s(Key Results Indicators) as well as KPI’s vs. plain ‘ol “PI’s” or Performance Indicators. This is the most useful book I found on KPIs.
David Parmenter
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Jose Papo
I strongly recommend this book if you want to learn deeply about KPIs, PIs, KRIs and RIs. It also stresses the importance of having CSF (Critical Success Factors). Part I, with 5 chapters, it’s already worth the price of the book. In Part II the author outlines his methodology to implement KPIs in an organization. Excellent…
David Parmenter
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Theju Mudda
David Parmenter is truly a king of KPIs. I have read both the 3rd and the 4th editions of this book. Firstly, this book clearly defines what a KPI is and the myths around KPIs. Different types of measures and how to report them are clearly explained. Also, the author introduces to a concept called…
David Parmenter
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David Stuart Finance DirectorHolker Group
Dear David,I wanted to write and say thank you for the positive impact you have had on my own financialcareer and journey. I first came across your work at a CIMA workshop on KPIs in the early 2000’s.It was held in London.I think it may have been at the CIMAInstituteHQ.I was truly inspired that day…
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The Power Of One
For no monarchy is so absolute, but it is circumscribed with laws; but when the executive power is in the law-makers, there is no further check upon them; and the people must suffer without a remedy, because they are oppressed by their representatives. If I must serve, the number of my masters, who were born…