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  • Area of Mastery – Quarterly Rolling Forecasting and Planning

    If your forecasting is a nightmare, of long nights, Excel spreadsheet error messages and praying that the resulting numbers are right you need to read this paper.  This white paper sets out the foundation stones of a rolling forecast process and how to move from annual planning to a quarterly rolling planning process. The secrets of rolling…

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  • Testimonials on The Financial Controllers and CFO’s Toolkit 3rd edition

    “I bought this book in an attempt to learn more about lean practices and various finance frameworks and I was not disappointed.  This is by far one of the best books on the subject on Amazon. Every concept is explained with examples so that you can directly apply it to your organizations.Additionally, the concepts in the…

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  • David Parmenter’s past speaking engagements

    Workshops Here are examples of previous KPI public workshops In-house Courses In-house courses delivered using webinar technology (delivered in 2-2.5 hour sessions, covering multiple locations, maintaining high degree of involvement) Examples of lean finance team webinars  In-house courses delivered onsite Working with professional bodies Video of David Speaking at the 8th TEC Asia Annual Meet

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  • How to sell the move away from annual planning

    By David Parmenter As we will know from past experiences this sales process is not easy and can be prone to failure.  I would argue that more than half the initiatives that are declined, at the concept stage, were under sold.  In other words, given the right approach the initiative would have gone ahead. If…

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  • Six rules for sales pitch

    To create a successful sales pitch to your senior management team and the board, you should: 1.   Make sure you have a good proposal with a sound focus on the emotional drivers that matter to your audience. 2.   Focus on selling to the thought leaders on the senior management team and board before you present…

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  • 60 forecasting and planning tool providers and their applications

    By David Parmenter New planning tools are being built all the time and this table, on Exhibit 5.4, is certainly out of date at the time of you reading it.  The table is not intended to be a comprehensive list as this would be a paper in itself.  The following “search strings” will help unearth…

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  • 10 areas where spreadsheets have no place to be

    By David Parmenter Excel has no place in a modern organisation in the following areas: The need for more robust systems in finance teams, particularly forecasting tools are further explored in  three toolkits (Whitepaper + e-templates). These toolkits are on sale (over 40% discount). How to Implement a Forecasting and Planning Tool – and get it right first…

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  • The 8 myths around annual planning

    By David Parmenter There are many reasons why your annual planning in your organization is not working. One main factor is a lack of understanding of the myths surrounding annual planning. Just like six centuries ago we are blind to the realities that are there to see on closer observation. We have for centuries blindly…

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  • Cull all finance spreadsheets over 100 rows

    By David Parmenter Forecasting requires a good robust tool not a spreadsheet, built by some innovative accountant, which now no one can understand.  Often the main hurdle is the finance team’s reluctance to divorce itself from Excel. It has been a long and comfortable marriage albeit one that has limited the finance team’s performance. Why…

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  • 7 Rolling forecasting templates

    By David Parmenter These templates are discussed in great length in my implementation guide How to Implement Quarterly Rolling Forecasting and Quarterly Rolling Planning – and get it right first time // implementation guide(Whitepaper + e-templates) You can have a look inside the implementation guide For more details access my implementation guide that currently is on sale: These…

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