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  • Distinguishing Between CSFs and External Outcomes

    By David Parmenter This is an extract from my “Finding your organisation’s critical success factors” implementation guide (whitepaper + e-templates) Organisations have always worked with external outcomes.  In fact, many performance measures have been designed to report on whether these outcomes have been achieved or not.  These measures are frequently Key Result Indicators, certainly never KPIs.  You can look at…

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  • Your organisation’s critical success factors – the missing link in performance management

    By David Parmenter Background Understanding, measuring and managing critical success factors, is increasingly important to ensuring the survival and future prosperity of organizations, in these times of economic recession and uncertainty. Most organizations know their success factors, however few organizations have: It is the CSFs, and the performance measures within them, that link daily activities…

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  • Why ascertaining your Critical Success Factors is so important

    By David Parmenter Operational Critical Success Factors—the Missing Link Where the operational CSFs are not widely known, each manager will have their own view as to what is important and prioritize work accordingly. Many counterproductive activities will thus occur based on the premise “What is important to me is important to the organisation”. For a…

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  • Area of Mastery – CSFs

    Do you know your organisation’s critical success factors? I was first introduced to critical success factors by the talented people who wrote the KPI manual for AusIndustry (an Australian government department). They defined critical success factors as: “The list of issues or aspects of organizational performance that determine ongoing health, vitality, and well-being.”Critical success factors are about what the staff inside the…

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  • “KPIs For Government and Non Profit Agencies”

    “KPIs For Government and Non Profit Agencies”

    Quick links related to this book Book Cover Buy this book @ Amazon Contents  A sample of some e-templates available at no charge to book owners Preface (not found) Chapter 1(not found) Chapter 6(not found) The 100-page PDF implementation guide and a sample of E-templates for book owners This book comes with a 100-page PDF implementation guide…

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  • Key Performance Indicators – developing, implementing and using winning KPIs (4th Edition)

    Key Performance Indicators – developing, implementing and using winning KPIs (4th Edition)

    Quick links related to David’s KPI work The book cover Buy electronic templates from the Book(for organisations over 250 employees) Look inside- at the contents pages Buy Implementing winning KPIs in SMEs (Modified for entities with less than 100 employees) Look inside – at the book index Implementing winning KPIs in SMEs (Modified for entities between 100-250…

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  • “The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit”

    “The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit”

    Quick links related to this Finance book(2 row of 5 boxes) The book cover Download the chapter on leading and selling change. Buy from Amazon A look inside the book Testimonials on The Financial Controllers and CFO’s Toolkit 3rd edition Download the chapter on recruiting. Download the chapter on rapid month-end reporting  Download the chapter 16 on…

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  • “The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success”

    “The Leading-Edge Manager’s Guide to Success”

    Quick links related to this book Book Cover(not found) Get this book @ Amazon Look inside the book    A sample of some e-templates available at no charge to book owners Chapter 6: Develop winning working habits   Sample of Electronic Templates for free(not found) Chapter 5 Creating Winning Personal Habits     Chapter 2 Find out more…

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  • Nine KPI reporting templates

    In my KPI book, I have setout a number of examples of reporting templates. See an extract of my Chapter 10 Reporting Performance Indicators 4th edition To get my latest work and access to the electronic templates Buy my implementation guides and accompanying electronic media to get you started. How to implement winning KPIs (180 page Whitepaper + electronic…

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  • 4 Steps to Creating a Board Dashboard

    By David Parmenter The four steps Finding the reporting measures to report to the Board There is a major conflict in most organisations that have boards, as to what information is appropriate for the Board.  Since the Board’s role is clearly one of governance and not of management it is, I believe, totally inappropriate to…

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