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30+ smarter ways of working

This is an extract from a mini toolkit (article +E-Templates) that can be source from this link.
From lessons gathered from forty years of observation, reading and discovery. I have broken the smarter ways into the following categories.


Making Work Fun
Have an annual grand final


Celebrate more

Off-site team meetings

Blue sky Fridays – making time to shape the future

Offer […]

Embracing The Abandonment Theory To Survive For a Brighter Future

Management guru Peter Drucker should be considered the ‘Leonardo da Vinci of management’ as he will be better understood and respected 400 years after his life than now. He frequently said that abandonment is the key to innovation.  He fittingly said:

“Don’t tell me what you’re doing, tell me what you’ve stopped doing.”

“If leaders are unable […]

The ten basic steps to getting finance reporting – to a “YES”​

I have just finished another Toolkit. It is called “How to write a finance report that people read and leads to a “Yes” – Guidelines, rules, and one page E-templates to get your report over the line. This is an extract from it.
1.   First get smart with your time – to free up more quality time
You […]

Six goals for the finance team to score in 2023

Here are five goals for a finance team to score in 2023:

A fast month-end reporting process. By now many of you, hopefully will have secured reporting results to the CEO by day three. A target all finance teams can achieve. If you think your business is too complex for this or that third parties […]

Six organisational ‘performance related’​ goals for 2023

It is now 2023 and yet many organisations are still hampered by archaic, stupid and ill-conceived processes. My top six to change would be:

Ascertaining and communicating your organisation’s critical success factors. But David I hear you say, “I know these”. No you do not. Only when these five to eight statements are on a wall […]

The Financial Controller and CFO’s Toolkit: Lean Practices to Transform Your Finance Team

This book written by David Parmenter is the most transformative guidebook in corporate accounting. Performance management leader, David Parmenter has designed this toolkit to be a practical guide for corporate accountants, from CFOs to the management accountant. This book provides over 100 lean finance team solutions. There is a complementary PDF toolkit filled with templates and checklists to kick start the implementation process.

10 steps to survive then thrive post COVID 19

10 steps to survive then thrive post COVID 19
By David Parmenter

For those businesses old enough to remember the 2001-02 (Dotcom bubble burst) and the 2007-08 (loan default crisis) there will be an institutional memory about how important cash was.  With the Post COVID 19 recovery, you can ratchet up the importance of cashflow, I believe, […]

22 Lessons from Peter Drucker, the greatest management thinker

Peter Drucker’s Lessons for Performance Management
For more read my  Working Guide, ‘Wisdom from the great management thinkers’.

1. Focus on your noncustomers
Which of your noncustomers should you be doing business with? (Desirable potential customers). Only Drucker could coin a phrase, “non customers”, yet it gets right to the heart of the fundamental issue. Every private sector government […]

12 tips to better recruiting

12 tips to better recruiting
This is a shortened extract from David Parmenter’s Mini toolkit Attracting and Recruiting Talent

by David Parmenter

In every workshop, I ask one question, “Who has made a recruiting decision they have lived to regret?” Every manager puts his or her hand up. The carnage caused is relived in their facial expressions. Why does this […]